Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Days

Sorry everyone, I still havent taken any pictures (and cant figure out how to type an apostrophe, darn different keyboards). I will try to take some tomorrow.

First, I had a different experience on the plane. Has anyone ever been in a plane when they de-iced it? I thought they were washing the planes with big bucket trucks, but it turns out they were spraying the planes with what looked like anti-freeze. Good for the environment Im sure. We sat on the tarmac for about 30 minutes while they did it. I had my jacket over my head so I could see out the window. I must have looked like a weirdo to the other passengers.

Another interesting thing about the plane. It was half empty! I have never had that happen on a overseas flight. It was awesome. I had a window seat and the seat next to me all to myself. I got to spread out and get some sleep.

The porter who took my things to the taxi was very cute and asked me if I knew what bonita (pretty) meant. Then he said I was bonita. Of course when we got to the car he asked for a tip. Hahaha! Some things are the same everywhere.

I was super nervous on the ride to my host family. All the time in the airport and all the time in the plane and even the time in the taxi was time I wasnt there yet. I had time to breathe. But finally, I arrived and I had to meet her. I was afraid she wouldnt be home, but the taxi driver waited with me and she finally came down. She kissed me on the cheek, a custom here. I read that its rude to not kiss back, but its fine with me because I really like the custom.

She was so nice. She spent a long time talking to me in Spanish. She make me empanadas for lunch. I felt much better. I cant imagine what its like to arrive without any language at all. Im really proud of my students who do it.

Anyway, this is getting long. I have been brave enough to venture out into the neighborhood. Its quite different than Denver. There are tall buildings and apartments everyone. There is no visibility and its very busy. Its almost too much for me. Both times I have gone out I have gotten headaches. It could be from the heat and humidity, but I do love the heat. Today I got lost. I was counting blocks to remember how far to go back. (It all looks so similar I cant recognize anything) and I got lazy and lost count on the way back. I did panic a bit, but I finaly found my way home.

My host sister is going to help me navigate the subway tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes.


  1. Haha, I already found some mistakes. Sigh. I will try to proofread better next time.

  2. Yay!Kelly!!
    You made it there safely.
    I am glad!

    About the anti-freezing spray, I have the same experience, and it was even worse because I had to pee so badly, but the seat-belt sign was on all the time. :( I was super happy when I finally got to the

    Have fun exploring!

  3. mistakes are ok! i barely notice them (as you see me write without caps. i blame twitter and cell phones haha)

    awww kisses~i could get used to those kind of customs too^_^

    good job on adventuring out! it'll become familiar in time. everything looked the same here!
